Customers may submit a refund request within 14 days of their payment date. All refund requests will undergo a thorough review process, taking into account various factors including, but not limited to, service usage and circumstances of the request.
This service is intended for business use only. By using our service, you confirm that you are using it for legitimate business purposes and comply with all applicable laws and regulations in your jurisdiction. We reserve the right to deny service or refunds for any activities that violate our terms of service or applicable laws.
Please note that submitting a refund request does not guarantee approval. The outcome will result in any of the following:
During the review process, we will consider the following factors:
To submit a refund request for review, please provide the following information to our support team:
To Skarpur Support Team
Account Email: _________________
Payment Date: _________________
Detailed Reason for Request: _________________
Date of Request: _________________
Our team will review your request and aim to provide a decision within 7 business days. If approved, any refund amount will be determined based on our review findings and will be processed using your original payment method.
Please be aware that the use of any service features or digital content during the review period may affect the final decision and any potential refund amount. Skarpur reserves the right to make the final determination on all refund requests.